Thursday, April 1, 2010

San Francisco

Ok here I am back in San Francisco. I feel like I love this city more and more every time I visit. The energy is contagious. On a daily basis I find myself doing what I usually do in this vibrant, entertaining city- remedial chores for Emily which she is "to busy" to do herself. Besides for that I spend a lot of time walking the city and trying to see new things. Here is a brief re-cap:

I walked by CVS in time to see disgruntled employees protest the company.

I went to Golden Gate Park and realized the name Golden Gate Park in Californian means homeless hippie colony or underground marijuana distribution center. Seriously, I was offered pot several times. I'm wondering if this says more about the park or my appearance?

I took a jog around Lafayette Park slipped in dog poop and saw a dog that somewhat resembles a more youthful, alive version of Libby (R.I.P.).

I try to spend at least 1 hour every morning, in a coffee shop, reading up on local and international events. (Did you know the American dollar is closing the gap on the Euro?) This is what I assume most unemployed San Franciscians do on a daily basis judging from the overwhelming wait to get a table.

I am trying to find a way to get up to Redwood National Park this weekend. I don't believe this is what Emily had in mind though. (I am starting to translate Emily talk better than ever before. For example, I am sorry I am just to busy is Emily talk for I just don't want to fucking do it!)

I am reading a good book right now that is called "Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures". Unfortunately it has nothing to do with emergency sex like the title would suggest, but it is however a good biography of 3 UN peacekeepers during the early 90's in Cambodia, Somalia, Haiti, and Rwanda. I do recommend.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey you I love the blog please keep it up your humor and writing skills are the best.