Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jay Leno

Today David and I went to the Jay Leno show. It started in the morning when I recieved a call from TVTIX telling me that the showing of Bill Maher was cancelled. I was disappointed because he is my favorite political satirist, but the man told me to call back in an hour and he would try to get me on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno ( a good substitute i guess). I called back and he got the tickets. We waited in line for a couple hours being cattled in the studio with the occasional pause. We were position 139 and 140 in line so I did not think we would get good seats but once we finally got to the front the usher pulled us aside and took us to the 2nd row on the floor about 5 feet away from the stage (they must try to put younger people in the front). Dave was expecting this the whole time so he didnt think much of it, but I was real surprised and excited to be so close.

Also, I forgot to mention that I had never really seen the Tonight Show before except for the couple glimpses when The Drain had been watching it before bed. So I was fortunate to be sitting next to 2 girls who were die hard fans and they explained the rules to me. 1)At the beginning you go up to the stage and shake Jays hand, and 2) don't yell or you will get kicked out. Very helpful information I must say.

Jay came out and started to talk to the audience and make a couple jokes. He is a real funny guy. I actually think he was much funnier when he talked to us before and after the show then during the actual taping. Demi Moore Barney Frank, and Train were on the show that night. I think we got a real good line up. What was interesting about the show is that it is a continuous taping for the hour. There are no breaks or cuts. The band even plays music during the commercials to keep the audience rowdy, and then quickly diverts back to the show.

The show was interesting to me. The studio was relaxed and Jay Leno appears to have much humility in tact. I thought Demi Moore was ok (her movie looks horrible though), Barney Frank was interesting, and Train was a pretty good band.

Here is the taping. See if you can see me. I am the guy on the front left with the green tshirt on.

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