Thursday, March 27, 2008

Here it is.

Ok so I finally came.... to the realization that today you need a blog if you have a lot of spare time and have already exhausted four seasons of Scrubs. Since football season seems light years away I will be free from happily sitting on the couch and getting drunk for some time (at least while watching football). Even though this will probably only be viewed by the four friends I have over the age of 8 I will do my best to make it real and fun.


Emily Marissa said...

A) How many friends UNDER the age of 8 do you have, Michael Jackson?

B)I noticed David has a blog now too...Is this just going to be you boys new forum to exchange borderline homo-erotic comments with each other?

C) I love you. Keep it real, Ben.

David Page said...

Yeah good line ben "i just felt like starting a blog" OR you just felt like copying your cooler much better blogger friend DAVID ( I wouldnt make a big deal about this if you didnt make so much fun of me...i hope you stub your toe today.

Emily Marissa said...

Geez, I think David just posted on your page for another excuse to post his own blog website...loserpants!